PPD Clinician

Crisis Intervention trained Officer Aaron Wallace, Abby Dudley, and CIT trained Officer Rian Torrance

We are very pleased to work with Abby Dudley, LCSW, our mental health clinician and happy to announce we have added another clinician, Mari Murphy.

In response to an increase in mental health related calls, the Plymouth Police Department is proud to announce our co-response program to assist people in crisis.

We have partnered with Child and Family Services to bring a mental health clinician on board to be partnered with a Police Officer on the street.

This team will respond in real-time to persons experiencing a mental health related crisis. The team will be able to provide immediate treatment options.

Officers assigned to the program have received certification in crisis intervention.

Pictured above are Crisis Intervention trained Officer Aaron Wallace, Abby Dudley, and CIT trained Officer Rian Torrance.